Essay on "Subhash Chandra Bose"

Subhash Chandra Bose


(1) Introduction 

(2) Biography

(3) Azad Hind Fauj Establishment 

(4) Epilogue

(5) Deputy Prime Minister 

(6) The epilogue is often missing two lines of poet Dinkar.

(1) Preface - Subhash Chandra Bose, who is fondly called 'Netaji' by his followers, is one of the main heroes of the national movement.   

This brave son of India courageously fought for Indian independence and succeeded in bringing it very near. There is no other example of renunciation like Subhash Chandra Bose in the history of Indian independence.

(2) Biography - Subhash Chandra Bose was born on 23 January 1897 in a well-to-do family of Cuttack. His father Jankinath Bose was a famous lawyer. He was a loner from the beginning and had a special spirituality, a tendency to sacrifice and suffer in his early life. Subhash Chandra was a very talented student, but whenever an opportunity to serve the nation or public arose during his studies, he used to give more importance to it than studies. National self-respect was so high in him from the very beginning that when the English professor called him 'Rascal' in college life, he grabbed the throat of the English professor. This was not the student's arrogance towards the teacher, but the answer to the national self-respect of the youth to the imperial arrogance.


At the age of 21, he was elected a member of the ICS, but he resigned from this service to participate in the non-cooperation movement, thinking that the British government and his country could not be served simultaneously. Terrified by Subhash's activities, the government placed him under house arrest and sent him to Mandalay jail in 1925. Recognizing his patriotism and service to the country, he was elected a member of the Bengal Council by the public even though he was in Mandalay jail. He was most popular among the youth of the Congress. In 1929, he was elected the President of the All India Trade Union Congress and held this post till 1932. He was also the President of 'Youth Congress'. In 1938, he was elected the President of 'Haripura Congress. In 1939, Gandhiji and Congress' right wing candidate Dr. Pattabhi was elected as the President of Tripura Congress. This victory catapulted him to a high peak of political excellence, but when he saw that it was impossible to get the cooperation of Gandhiji and other Congress leaders, he abandoned the presidency of the Congress.


In 1939, he tried to mobilize the leftist forces of the country by establishing a new party called 'Forward Bloc', but he could not succeed in this. In March 1940, he presided over the Anti-Compromise Conference with the British Government at Ramgarh. He was in favor that the Hindu In Vardoli, Vallabhbhai organized the farmers and boycott of the British Government was celebrated as Vardoli-Day on 12th June, 1928. The people of Vardoli observed a fast for twenty four hours. Public meetings were held on that day all over the country and money was collected, so that the suffering people could be helped here. On the one hand the oppression of the government was increasing and on the other hand the resolve of the farmers and victims of Vardoli was getting firmer. In the end the British government had to bow down.


(3) Establishment of Azad Hind Fauj - arrived in March 1941 by Subhash Chandra. In February 1942, he started a campaign against the government. In June 1943, Subhash Chandra reached Japan. On July 15, 1943, he founded the 'Azad Hind Fauj' involving more than 60 thousand Indians and he became the President of 'Indian Independence League'. His war cry was- 'Delhi Chalo' and he said in his inspiring message, "I can give you nothing but hunger, great war and hardships. You will have to sacrifice everything before you reach the Red Fort and hoist the national flag." You give me blood, I will give you freedom."

Under the leadership of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, the Azad Hind Fauj launched a valiant campaign against the Allied forces for the independence of India and reached Imphal in March 1944, but after that it had to retreat due to unfavorable circumstances from all sides. And the army could not achieve its goal in Azad Hind. In such a situation, on August 8, 1945, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose left for Tokyo by airplane, but his ship crashed, he suffered fatal injuries and he died.


(4) Epilogue - The importance of Netaji's personality and work will be permanently revered in Indian history. His fiery patriotism, his almost hysterical devotion to the ideal of freeing the country from the figs of British imperialism and the immense suffering he endured for the nation, will always make him a first-class national hero.


(5) Deputy Prime Minister - In the midnight of August 15, 1947, when the new government of the country was sworn in under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel became the Deputy Prime Minister at that time. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel had a dream along with the independence of the country by merging the princely states. To make India a great nation. Till August 15, 1947, there were only three states that did not join the Indian Union – Hyderabad, Jammu and Kashmir and Junagadh. The matter of these three was also settled with some peace, some unrest and according to the policy, the matter of merger of the native states was completely resolved.


(6) The epilogue is often missing two lines of poet Dinkar.

The greatest is the man who works for the rest of his life. Big is the soul that comes out of the body without crying. How accurate are these lines about Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. From childhood to youth and from youth to old age, he never got any rest. Where is the rest for a warrior who believes in Karma? Sardar ji was brave in true sense. Sardarji left this world in the year 1950. In this way, he could get only three years for the Navnirman of India, but for this he devoted every single moment of his life.