Q. Explain the Implementation and roadblock of successful GDSS.
GDSS Implementation
The implementation of GSS is to select a preferred GSS solution Compare the data on the types of meetings and existing computer hardware to possible GSSS available. Then contact vendors to demonstrate GSS technology
Cenerally, these vendors will allow you to conduct an actual meeting using the technology and are often willing to supply a meeting facilitator. A trial run is beneficial to test the fit of the soft-ware to your typical meeting and to observe the reactions of meeting participants to the GSS
Once the GSS is identified, the cost of the system can be evaluated against potential benefits, and an implementation decision can be made. While the monetary benefits may not outweigh the costs of a GSS system, intangible benefits may accrue from the use of the software in terms of better decision-making and improved worker satisfaction.
A key factor in any implementation support systems is support by senior management. The lack of senior management support has been found to be the most frequent cause of system implementation failures. Finally, the implementation must be planned. Some issues to consider are the installation of the software on the system without disrupting ongoing work. training requirements for personnel who will be using the system, and evaluation of the prospective systems' effectivenes for improving meetings.
Roadblocks to Successful Group Support Systems Deployment
The GDSS business has been hampered by an ineffective business model.
1. GDSS tools are usually bought by and used by "specialty" departments that deliver meeting facilitation services elsewhere in the organization. The GDSS vendor community has not figured out how to thrive on making small amounts of money from each of the many (potential) users.
2. Success with GDSS is typically dependent on training the facilitator how to run an effective meeting. This is a nontrivial task which slows uptake and accounts, in part, for user organizations relying on in-house meeting experts instead of just bying the software themselves.
3. User purchases are also slowed because the unit price for GDSS products tends to be relatively high, optimizing revenue from the specialty departments whose mission is runnig meetings at the expense of broader sales to the community of meeting goers everywhere.