Explain the Group Decision Support System and Groupware

 Q. Explain the Group Decision Support System and Groupware.

Ans. Group Decision Support Systems

There is some controversy about what a Group Support System is. Perhaps the best and simplest definition is "a computer-based system to support a meeting." However, it is an interactive, computer-based system that helps a team of decision-makers solve problems and made choices. These systems are targeted to support groups in analyzing problem situations and in performing group decision-making tasks. The name itself is very descriptive as it made up of a hybrid system that uses an elaborate communications infrastructure and heuristic and quantitative models to support decision-making.

Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) is also called referred to as a Group Support System (GSS), Collaborative Systems or an Electronic Meeting System since they shared similar foundations. However today's GDSS is characterised by being adapted for a group of people who collaborate to support integrated systems thinking for complex to enable co decision making. Participants use a common computer or network to collaboration.

A decision support system is an application the analyzes business data and presents it decisions more easily. environment fashion that allows users to make buiness A decision support system creates an ronment where ideas and collaboration flourish in an efficient time-saving manner With With a decision support system you can alleviate the constraints of group dynamics by facilitating more open group discussion with parallel anonymous input. Decisions are made with a higher degree of consensus ard agreement resulting in a dramatically higher likelihood of implementation. With a decision support system you can bring people together like never before. GDSS contains most of the elements of decisior. support system plus software to provide effective support in group decision-making settings.


Groupware is distinguished from GDSS in that groupware is any software package designed to support more than one person working on a shared task OR refers programs that help people work together collectively while located remotely form each other. Programs that enable real time collaboration are called synchronous groupware. 

Groupware is multiuser software that allows users to access the 181 same data. Also, groupware usually provides a mechanism that help users coordinate and keep track of on-going projects or decision processes. It helps people work together through compuer-supported communication, collaboration, and coordination. Groupware services can include the sharing of calendars, collective writing. e-mail handling, shared database access, electronic meeting with each person able to see and display information to others, and other activities. The best known "general purpose" groupware products include Lotus Notes and Microsoft Exchange both of which facilitate calendar sharing, e mail handling, and the replication of files across a distributed system so that all users can view the same information, as well as Novell GroupWise 6, and Microsoft NetMetting. However, Groupware is much broader category of group support software and tools that the terms GDSS. In general, GDSS products are groupware. Not all groupware products are used however for decision support and not all groupware products are equally useful in developing decision support capabilities.